Everyone knows this place. What secrets can I have to surprise you? Anyway, here is what I think of good ol' Starbucks:
- Prices are... Too damn high!
- They don't sell coffee but mousse, addicting mousse.
- The muffins have an acceptable price for the size (1.90€), and they definitely contain drugs inside.
- I tried the cinammon roll once (too much cartoon made me want to try this). I had never try it before but I can assure it is not one of the best ones.
- Bathroom code is #1234, in all the stores.
- It is a great space to sit and talk, but they only give us 45 minutes of internet in every food we order. And you need to remind them to give you the password (which is not as predictable as the WC password).
- On the other hand that keeps me away from facebook which is good.
- If you don't want to pay and just want to talk, you just have to chose a table and sit down. Just in case, grab a used cup from another table and put it in yours, so that they think you consumed them.
- The cozy sofas large enough for a big group are usually occupied by 2 people looking at each other looking bored. The secret is to sit close enough and just shotgun it when they leave. be careful not to mistake a simple sleepy stretching with the "leaving signs", that may end up badly.
- Favorite activity nº1: make up your own alter ego name for the coffee orders lady.
- Stealing a Starbucks mug in not that difficult if you have a small backpack or a Doraemon magic pocket.
- Some painting are interesting.
- The Starbucks of Belém closes too soon (00:00) a nice option is heading to the Casual Lounge nearby.
Everyday from 8h to midnight.
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